Coming Kingdom released "Free Indeed," the fourth song from their upcoming debut EP called "Awakening". Written by Joel Lane and Zac Carpenter, the song began when Joel was a missionary in Hong Kong, where he was praying for someone coming off of a drug addiction / withdrawal and witnessed the change this person was going through. This experience turned into a song when he was back in the UK, a song that celebrates the life-changing freedom and joy that we all may find in Jesus. The lyrics of "Free Indeed" remind us of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. He laid down His life so that we would be free. Not only setting us free, but He also heals our brokenness and redeems us with His grace. "Free Indeed" calls us out of the darkness, back into light, and proclaims the eternal truth that "if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed" . - John 8:36 The lines echo the breaking of chains, the overcoming of darkness, and the fullness of l