Josh Wright's new song, 'The Fall,' is about the dark and heavy moments that often come with loss, grief, and sin. Most of us have been there, feeling a deep sense of guilt and shame. But that is not where God wants us to linger! Yes, it's important to understand the consequences of our actions, but there is also a next chapter. God wants us to 'get up' and 'keep going.' Josh beautifully sings about this next chapter in 'The Fall.' With lyrics like, 'I didn't want the valley, I didn't want the dark,' you can feel the pain and reluctance that Josh experienced. He continues, 'Nobody wants to stumble or ever hit the ground. Nobody wants to have to hurt for healing to be found.' Josh emphasizes that although we're not looking for pain, it does play an important part in understanding God's love. If there is no contrast, e.g., no pain, then how will we be able to appreciate God's love and plan for us? This is how...