Revival Worship has released a Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) track called Make Straight The Way.
What an amazing song! Originally released in July 2016, I am glad that the song was re-released yesterday on Youtube, because (honestly) I had not heard this song before. This is a song of praise for our King and Lord. In this song, I particularly like the chorus. The words are easy to remember and I found myself singing along quickly. When I was singing, I started to feel what it means to turn your heart to the King, to let His grace and mercy flow. Allowing His justice to flow through you, clean you, make you pure. Also recognizing that we live in a hectic world that is well adapted to keeping us distracted from the things that really matter. 
Make straight the way for the coming Lord
Every mountain high every valley low
Every crooked road every winding path
Make straight the way He will come at last
Turn your heart to the King
Let His grace and mercy sing
In your heart, let His justice flow
His righteousness endure
Verse 2
Coming is the Lord and King of Kings
Mighty is the Lamb to set us free
Breaker of our chains Savior of our souls
Hope for the broken heart and broken world
Are You are You
He is Lord
#RevivalWorship #MakeStraightTheWay #CallAndResponseWorshipSongs
You can listen to the track on Spotify:
Here is a link to the video on Youtube:
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