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Houston Ayre - Narrow Gate (CCM)

Houston Ayre - Narrow Gate
Houston Ayre has released a Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) track called Narrow Gate.

​Houston Ayre share: "This track no. 6 from an album of 12 songs 'the Parables of the Maze' which I was inspired to write during lockdown when being awakened during the night by the Holy Spirit with biblical passages that I was prompted to use in the lyrics.

This song reinforces the need to make an effort to find the entrance to, and steer a course through, the maze of the earthly life.
In the Bible, Jesus Christ often spoke in parables, not as perhaps it is tempting to assume, to make the meaning clearer but to make it more obscure. So, from that I take it that we are to work a bit harder to understand what meaning to derive from some of the sayings and parables of Jesus. One particularly challenging discourse by Jesus appears twice in the synoptic gospels and the idea contained therein forms a main theme in the Parables of the Maze:
“Exert every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to” “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”"


​Enter by the Narrow Gate broad is the road to destruction
Enter by the Narrow Gate don't have to follow the crowd

Into the maze or away
Round, round start again
Enter the maze if you can
Not many enter the maze
Into the maze or away
Round, round start again
Enter the maze if you will
Not many enter the maze

​Enter by the Narrow Gate broad is the road to destruction
Enter by the Narrow Gate don't have to follow the crowd

Each path you try has a set of instructions simple to follow and easy to read
But when you start to apply the instructions that's when the obstacles grow in your mind
Human desire's a powerful entity not just so easy applying control
Will must compete with desire and overcome, then you will get to the heart of the maze

​Enter by the Narrow Gate broad is the road to destruction
Enter by the Narrow Gate don't have to follow the crowd

​Enter by the Narrow Gate broad is the road to destruction
Enter by the Narrow Gate don't have to follow the crowd

​Enter by the Narrow Gate broad is the road to destruction
Enter by the Narrow Gate don't have to follow the crowd

You can listen to the track on Spotify:

Here is a link to the video on Youtube:

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