A narrative unfolds in the poetic dance of words and melody, brilliantly capturing the essence of our spiritual journey. Dbilovd's 'The Story to Tell' invites us all into a beautiful dialogue with our Creator, gently challenging the stories we tell about ourselves. The tender lyrics serve to reveal a truth that we frequently hide beneath layers of self-doubt and fear: each of us is God's beautiful story. Do we pay attention to this divine narration? Are we paying attention to His glory as it manifests within and around us? Dbilovd encourages us to put aside our self-written stories and embrace the divine Author's composition; a story written with redeeming love, grace-filled acceptance, and the liberating truth of our divine identity. The song's lyrics, 'He calls you beloved, He calls you the apple of His eyes... He calls you His friend,' resurrect in us the divine whisper that penetrates the constant noise of our lives. 'The Story to Tell' enco...