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'The Fall' by Josh Wright: Embracing Healing Through Pain

Josh Wright's new song, 'The Fall,' is about the dark and heavy moments that often come with loss, grief, and sin. Most of us have been there, feeling a deep sense of guilt and shame. But that is not where God wants us to linger! Yes, it's important to understand the consequences of our actions, but there is also a next chapter. God wants us to 'get up' and 'keep going.'  Josh beautifully sings about this next chapter in 'The Fall.' With lyrics like, 'I didn't want the valley, I didn't want the dark,' you can feel the pain and reluctance that Josh experienced. He continues, 'Nobody wants to stumble or ever hit the ground. Nobody wants to have to hurt for healing to be found.'   Josh emphasizes that although we're not looking for pain, it does play an important part in understanding God's love. If there is no contrast, e.g., no pain, then how will we be able to appreciate God's love and plan for us? This is how

'Three In One' by Robby Robinson and Sara Niemietz: Feel the Divine Connection

Let's dive right in. Robby Robinson and Sara Niemietz's 'Three In One' is a beautiful Christian Pop about the beautiful mystery of the Holy Trinity. This release features the captivating vocals of Sara Niemietz, together with Robby Robinson's gifted musical talent. We're confident that you'll enjoy this track!  The song's theme centers around the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The core understanding that connects every believer in faith. The chorus, 'In the name of the Father, the name of the Son, In the name of the Spirit, your life is now begun,' sets the tone, reminding us that when we focus our lives on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, our lives are renewed in Christ and filled with divine purpose.  There are three verses, each verse focussing separately on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The first verse, 'God the Father in heaven above, He formed the earth and laid up the song,' gives you a sense of God

'You're Still With Me', Freedom Heart's Song of Comfort during Numbness

Have you ever felt distant from both God and life? If so, then Freedom Heart's latest song, 'You're Still With Me' is especially for you. Lynn Chen wrote this song during a time when feeling numb and emotionless seemed to be the new normal. She couldn't go to Him or reach out to people. She felt emotionless. Can you relate that? Sometimes the walls we build to hide our pain are also keeping out the love and comfort we desperately need.  'My heart is numb, I don't feel a thing, Ready to throw it all away.' The struggle that many face during hard times. It is especially during these times when God's promises seem to be the last thing that comes to mind: 'You said that you would never leave me, You won't forget me, You're still with me.' That is such a comforting truth! The lyrics invite you to lean on God's unwavering presence instead of our own understanding.  There is freedom that comes from admitting: 'You're still freein

'The Glory' by DJ Sm!th: Modern Sounds, Eternal Truths

Time for a little bit of a change, and I know not everyone is going to appreciate this genre… but if you can appreciate CEDM, then you're going to love this track! DJ Sm!th's released the track, 'The Glory' in the CEDM genre. This song is an amazing blend of familiar hymn lyrics with a fresh EDM sound. I love how DJ Sm!th managed to breathe a new feel into this timeless message, making the message accessible to a wider audience.  The essence of the song is pure praise. It begins with the lines, 'To God be the glory, great things He hath done, So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,' reminding us of God's love for us. By the time you reach the chorus, your ready to join in, 'Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice.'   What makes the message of 'The Glory' so impactful is its focus on redemption, reminding the listener of God's promise of forgiveness. T

'Prayers I Didn't Pray' by We the Least: A Heartfelt Tribute to Prayers Others Prayed for Us

We the Least released a song called 'Prayers I Didn't Pray.' It's one of those songs that gets you thinking and realizing the value that prayers have, spoken by the special people in our lives for us and over us. People who have been prayed tirelessly for us throughout our lives, shaping us into who we are today. Yes, that is how powerful the prayers can be that others are praying for us! You too have the ability to pray for others, and make a difference! With that in mind, this song also becomes a beautiful reminder to also thank God for all of the prayers that we didn't dare to speak, but others were praying for us.  The opening lines of this song are what I call a 'yes, indeed'-moment: 'Long before I ever got here // Mom and dad folded hands for a year // Asking Heaven for one of their own to share life with. // I didn't ask for this, but I'm so glad that they did.' It's so true, and there are more prayers said for us that we are comp

HOMECOMING's 'JESUS (ily)' - A Song of Transformative Love

HOMECOMING's 'JESUS (ily)' is a heartfelt song that captures that life-changing moment when you say 'YES' to Jesus. The abbreviation 'ily' in the song title stands for 'I Love You' . It's a song that expresses our love for Christ, and bridges that first moment that we surrendered ourselves to Christ and the lasting impact His love has in our lives.  The lyrics echo the joy we may feel when we discover that we have a Father who truly loves and saves us: 'I won't forget / The moment I met You / The moment You changed my life.' These lines take you right back to your own awakening in faith, and remind you of God's unwavering presence. It doesn't matter what you're going through, whether you're on mountains high, or feel surrounded by darkness, the message of this song reassures you, 'I've got nothing to fear / I know You are with me.'  If you think that 'JESUS (ily)' is just for the youth or new belie

'Free' by Chrystal: A Journey from Bondage to Liberty

Chrystal released a song called 'Free'. It is about releasing the chains of our past mistakes and stepping into the hope and freedom that Christ offers us. Her own journey through pain and transformation is the red line through this song, and let me tell you… it is an amazing journey! Read Chrystal's story before you listen to the song, and I promise you, you'll appreciate the lyrics even more.  Chrystal's father passed away a few years ago, and she entered into an abusive relationship. This led to severe depression and anxiety. Her anxiety was so bad that when she tried to do everyday activities, she would start to shake all over. The only time she wouldn't shake was when she was singing. God took me through a healing process, and today she is the victorious woman that God created her to be. This song is her testimony to His restoring power. With this small insight into Chrystal's life, the lyrics you hear her sing carry so much more meaning, 'You came

Go Deeper by Belinda Adu: The Prayer of a Thirsty Soul

Belinda Adu's song 'Go Deeper' is a prayer set to an upbeat melody. It's a plea for a deeper relationship with God, and asks the Holy Spirit to fill us and rekindle a fire within. As I listen, I am reminded of Psalm 42:1–2: '… My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?' Belinda beautifully captures our desire to feel God's love and guidance, 'I want you to fill me up // 'Cause I feel empty // Come on and pour your // Spirit out once again.' Lyrics that are so relevant when you're feeling spiritually exhausted and crave to feel God's refreshing touch in your life.  The chorus emphasizes that God is all we need: 'You are enough // You are all that I need // All I want // Is for you to go deep // Start a fire from within.' What is the sense of resisting, when all we need to do is accept the invitation to let God lead and quench our spiritual thirst with His living water? Belinda's sincerity ma

Wash My Sins Away by Conor Stone: A Journey From Atheism to Redemption

Conor Stone's new song, 'Wash My Sins Away,' is the second song in a series of 7 that are currently in production. This series is about his conversion, redemption, and finding God. After spending a lifetime as an atheist, Conor experienced what he calls a 'modern-day Damascus moment', a life-changing fall that led him to find God. This song is about his surprise at how quickly he could find God's embrace after having rejected Him for so long, 'I took just a second to know me, you stopped me feeling afraid.'  His lyrics, 'Seeing your light I had nothing to fear,' speak about the comfort and security he found in faith. Conor explains how God's patience set him free, lifting burdens he thought he'd carry forever, 'Didn't think I'd be fixed again, I thought I'd be damaged forever.'  It doesn't matter how lost you are, God's love will lead you to 'restful waters', giving you the peace and understanding you c

Stirring Up the Gift: The Heartfelt Story Behind "GIFT" by Sara Luz

“GIFT” was created on a day when Sara’s grandmother, Maria Luz, gave her some journals to write in. Sara also received a bag of scarves, and that is when she realized that these gifts were her grandmother’s way of saying that she wasn’t going to be around much longer. She went to be with the Lord a few weeks later, at the age of 91.  Sara writes: “My grandmother encouraged me in that moment with the simple gesture of a gift to me, and I went home that same day and started to write a song on the piano, and the chorus came to me quickly.” Sara was led to a passage in 2 Timothy 1:6–7, and it’s core message found its way into the chorus of the song: “the gift you created in me, Lord, I’ll use it.” Sara encourages us to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we’ve received.  If you look at the cover art of her song, you’ll see it has seven pieces of cereal that say “gift”. The seven pieces represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, understanding, p

'I Remember' by Hayden Snook: A Song for Trusting God's Path

Hayden Snook's song, 'I Remember,' is a trip to the past, to times where you imagined what your future would be like. Hayden recalls a cold December eve, when he was reflecting on how his life turned out compared to his childhood dreams. He once dreamed of becoming a MLB baseball player, a lawyer, a doctor, and even president, but life took him in a different direction.  He recalls opening his Bible and reading that our lives run on God's timing, not ours. Hayden realized that the only final destination that he needed to focus on was Heaven, his true home.  Hayden recalls that he hopped in the shower, and the words, 'This Life Is Harder Now Than I Remember' came to mind. This was the start of the song 'I Remember'.  'I Remember' is the song for everyone who once thought that life would be much easier than it really is today. It's a song of hope that God has your back even when life takes a different turn. His arms are your true safe haven. L

'Glorious King Jesus - Special Version' by The Praise Project: Celebrate His Glory

This is a Special Version of 'Glorious King Jesus' by The Praise Project. What makes this song so special is that it was performed by teenagers in their music collective - young hearts that passionately radiate with truth and reverence for our Lord Jesus.  For those who don't know the song, it declares, 'King Jesus, You are glorious, great in all Your ways, matchless in Your name.' A profound reminder of His magnificence! These teenagers passionately draw you into worship and lift His name high.  The first verse focusses on our Savior. 'Shining in purity, chose to be blames, mighty over darkness, kind to sin's slaves.' Reflecting on Christ's humble sacrifice and His ultimate victory over sin. His love for us is so great, that, despite His own purity, He chose to pay the price for our sins, offering us kindness and redemption.  The second verse reminds us of His earthly mission, 'Came down from heaven, present always, comforted the hurting, offe

Yuin Lu's 'He Is Enough': A Song for Weary Hearts

Yuin Lu's song, 'He Is Enough,' calls out to the weary and burdened, offering comfort and fulfillment that we can only find in Jesus. The lyrics were inspired by Matthew 11:28 and 2 Corinthians 12:9, scriptures that focus on God's provision, love, and peace.  Yuin Lu shares that this song reflects a very personal journey. The key message that Yuin wants to share, as she looks back at 30 years of walking with Jesus, is that there's no better solution to the burdens we carry than to lay them down at Jesus' feet.  'All you who are hungry, all you who are lost, | Restless, tired, thirsty, won't you come to the cross.'  Yuin invites you to do the same… seek Jesus, lay down your burdens by letting Him take the lead, and acknowledge that … 'Jesus is indeed the bread of life and the living water - our ultimate satisfaction is found in Him.'  Yuin continues with the chorus … 'Eat the bread of life, drink the living water, | Rest in His unfailing l

James Bizak's 'Plead The Blood' – A Song of Redemption

This new song by James Bizak, 'Plead The Blood,' really gets to the source of hope and redemption. When James first heard this worship song by Chris Davenport, he knew that he had to make and release his own rendition of the song. He did a great job, and I believe that you will enjoy it. When it comes to Christian music, James is a rising star, and his journey will blow your mind. He fought alcoholism and other addictions, and found freedom in Jesus. He is now using his music to spread the message of redemption and hope.  The lyrics of 'Plead The Blood' appeal to anyone who has gone through challenging times. 'Here and now, I draw a boundary against every weapon that's formed. The thief and his plans will pass over when he sees the red on the door.' What a reminder of the faith and protection we receive through Jesus' blood. It's not just us, but also extends to our homes and families. No matter what we face, Jesus' sacrifice is more than enough

'Holy Forever' by Yunior: Worship Meets EDM

Yunior's 'Holy Forever' is a fresh take on a well known song by Chris Tomlin that has already been covered by so many other artists. What makes this rendition special is that this Canada-based producer took the song and wrapped it in his CEDM / future bass flair. An energetic rendition filled with familiar elements, and Yunior's synths and dynamic drums make this unique. What drives Yunior is his passion to bring more people to Jesus through the power of Christian EDM. The song opens with familiar lyrics that remind us of eternity: 'A thousand generations falling down in worship / To sing the song of ages to the Lamb.' Calling us to join in with believers past and present, standing shoulder to shoulder, lifting His Name above all other names. The pre-chorus builds this sense of awe and the CEDM flair continues to unfold: 'Your name is the highest / Your name is the greatest / Your name stands above them all.' With powerful beats that feel like they'

'Secret - AD Radio Mix' by Lilli: Discovering Your True Worth Through Song

Lilli’s song, “Secret — AD Radio Mix,” is an invitation to look at your true identity through the lens of God’s unending love. This song is very to Lilli, triggered by watching her friends struggle, all because they didn’t know who they really are, nor were they able to feel God’s love surrounding them. The lyrics are filled with metaphors, sometimes making it a challenge to grasp its meaning. In the first verse, Lilli observes: “Asking your questions to the sky / You from silence to screaming why / Swapping your memories for a bottle.” Possibly you experience (or have experienced) this as well…. an often-painful search for true meaning in life. Moments where we may have traded peace for fleeting distractions, only to find regret waiting on the other side. In the chorus, you hear Lilli’s cry: “Are you running on empty / So that you’re not running at all / Are you living just to die? / Running out of time to kill / Can I tell you a secret?” Reaching out to others with an open heart, r

'Strength Through the Tears' by Krystal Dawn Land - Finding Hope in God's Strength

Krystal Dawn Land's song 'Strength Through the Tears' is inspired by Psalm 56:8, where it says, 'You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.'  Krystal shares from her own experiences that God sees every tear, and even more important, He cares deeply about us as we go through life's ups and downs. We're especially vulnerable when we're going through difficult times, because that's when it's easy to drift away from God's path. Krystal's solution is to call out to the Lord to help her find the strength she needs in Him. She sings, 'I've been walking this road for so long, carrying such a heavy load, trying to do it on my own,' echoing what is probably one of our biggest weaknesses… an ego that says 'We can do it', altogether skipping the part where we should be saying, 'We can do it with your help!'  Krystal beautifully directs our focu

'Leave The Past Behind' by The James Jennings Project: Embrace New Beginnings

The James Jennings Project has given us a gem with his newest song, 'Leave The Past Behind.' It's a heartfelt tune from the album 'Hitchhiking On A Narrow Road,' driven by acoustic guitar and a touch of piano that reminds you of those classic Neil Young and Steely Dan vibes.  Jennings wrote this song while he was going through some disappointments. It's meant to remind us that while our experiences shape us, we still decide if the past can continue to hold us back. We've all faced setbacks - disappointments, shame, and mistreatment. This song acknowledges those feelings completely, and, at the same time, quickly turns the corner and encourages us to move forward.  The lyrics sing to the pain in your heart, saying, 'Leave the past behind, throw away the chains that hold you back.' It's in our nature to hang onto the past, and it's in our power to let go of everything that binds us, just like it's in our power to ask God to help us let go.

'Intentional Worship' by Samona: An Invitation to Deep Worship

Samona's latest single, 'Intentional Worship,' is one of those songs that almost instantly touches your heart and leads you into praise. From the very start, you'll be captured by her powerful voice , and the whole production (music, vocals, & messaging) will give you goosebumps. Samona sings about pouring out your heart and love in intentional worship and praise, setting your gaze on God, and focusing on His love and all He’s done for us. It felt like an angelic choir was singing around me when I closed my eyes to listen (and it's just because I have a good audio setup). I love the melody and harmonies and Samona's warm voice lead me into worship. The lyrics remind us that when God's love fills us, nothing else matters. God is there, eager to cover us with His love and guide our ways... if you let Him in. Samona continues: 'I never would've made it this far without your love,' it's almost like you can feel God holding your hand as you

Krystal Dawn Land's Song 'The Call' Guides Us All

'The Call' by Krystal Dawn Land is a beautiful song. Krystal shares that 'The Call' came to her in 2005 as she was reflecting on raising her three children to love and follow the Lord. She recalls that life wasn't easy, but she always knew that her comfort came from trusting in the Lord. Despite her mistakes, her prayer was (and still is) that her children keep Christ front and center, and prayerfully avoid unnecessary trials.  'The Call' extends beyond the scope of family and loved ones. There are so many who are broken and can be healed, hurt and find comfort, and the lost who come to Christ when we answer 'the call,' His call.  His call is about embracing His love, learning to see situations through His eyes, serving others without expecting anything in return, and, by doing so, being an instrument to bring others to Christ's love.  So, take a moment to listen to 'The Call'. May this song remind you of your own faith journey and the a

'Born New: Journey to Zion II' by Kosj Yamoah - Celebrate Your True Birthday

Kosj Yamoah's 'BORN NEW: Journey to Zion II (J2Z2)' is a heartfelt anthem with an invitation to celebrate a deeper, spiritual rebirth. Kosj shares that August, his birth month, reminds him of the scars and scrapes he's gathered throughtout his life. As we get older, birthdays lose more and more of their sparkle. 'Born New' intends to reignite true joy by focusing on the day that you surrendered yourself to God - that moment you were truly born.  In the first part of the song, Kosj centers his lyrics around keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. He sings, 'I don't look to the left or to the right, I got my eyes on the prize I ain't turning back.' What a beautiful reminder to stay focused on your faith journey, followed by a repeated affirmation, 'Brand New, I'm Born New.' The second part of the song invites you to celebrate a more important 'birthday,' your anniversary of the day that you surrendered yourself to Christ. As Kosj sing

Find Refuge and Strength with Richard Michael Hancock's 'Give Them All to Jesus Christ'

Richard Michael Hancock's song, 'Give Them All to Jesus Christ,' invites us to place our burdens before Jesus and trust that He will guide us through all of the challenges we face. Richard's song is inspired by his own spiritual challenges, and realizing how powerful and liberating it is to surrender your worries to Jesus.  Richard shares how he's on a mission to spread God's Word through song. His message emphasizes the best way to overcome worldly anxieties: let Christ dominate your thoughts.  The chorus of this song reminds us that we are never alone, because He is always within reach. He invites us to 'cast off our burdens', and reminds us of the promise that the Holy Spirit will renew us even in the face of hardship.  Give 'Give Them All to Jesus Christ' a listen and ponder on the message. May this song lighten your heart as you realize that when God is in charge of your life, He is the one who will deal with your fears. (Related scripture:

'Hallelujah To Our God' by Growl & Grace: Harnessing Traditional Songwriting and AI

Growl & Grace's 'Hallelujah To Our God' is an invitation to experience God's presence in a fresh and vibrant manner. Crafted by Michael, a talented tech entrepreneur, and the songwriter behind this virtual band project, this song comes from his work in youth and business ministries of the Evangelical Church of Bangkok.  Michael's approach to songwriting combines traditional songwriting with AI, showing that AI, in the hands of a skilled artist, can support the creation of beautiful worship music. The foundation of the song was created using traditional writing methods, and Michael then used AI to produce polished demos for use in church worship services and by other artists.  From the first lines of the song, you'll feel a growing urge to join in praise, and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart. How can you remain silent as you hear the repetitive 'Hallelujah to our God' in the chorus? Just let go and sing along in celebration of His goodness.

Byrne Elliott's 'Ready to Begin': Tribute to a Journey of Faith and Strength

Byrne Elliott’s song 'Ready to Begin' is a tribute his mother. A woman who lived a life of faith, love, and resilience. A life that demonstrated that you can overcome all of life's hardships through unwavering faith and a heart filled with love. Her life wasn't easy. She faced tremendous challenges raising her children, including the heartbreak of losing several of them. Despite all the pain and sorrow she faced, nothing could break her faith or harden her heart. It's quite easy to relate to this song. Many listeners / readers will have faced times of pain and sorrow of their own or stood close to someone as they went through this. Elliot sings in such a manner that you can almost feel the tears, hopes, and the fierce determination captured in this song. The lyrics talk about the strength that we all can find in God's promises. Strength that she held on to as the end of her life drew near, as she went from earthly pain to eternal peace. An example that shares a

A Heart’s Cry for Guidance in 'Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord' by Brother H-963

Brother H-963 is touching hearts with his rendition of a well-known hymn, 'Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord.' This song, originally penned by B. Mansell Ramsey, is a prayer for every believer. Brother H-963's had been feeling lost and unclear about the next steps in his music ministry, so he turned to a hymn that had guided him in his teenage years. As he sang the lyrics in the studio, the words brought tears to his eyes and a renewed connection to his heart’s cry: 'Lord, teach me Thy way.' This is a timeless song, one that we all need to hear repeated from time to time, a reminder that we all need God’s guidance. We need his guidance, not only when we are struggling, but also when we're celebrating a victory. Our prayer remains the same: 'Teach me, Thy way, O Lord.' We constantly look for God’s guiding grace, how else will we get help us walk by faith, especially when we’re tempted to rely on what 'we' think we are seeing or believe to be the right ch