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عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, ٢٠٢٤

Discover the Heartbeat of Heaven in 'Faithful and True' by Amy Hillis

Amy Hillis's 'Faithful and True' is a powerful song for those times when it feels like the ground is shaking under your feet. Combining vibrant 80s tunes with lyrics that you can't get out of your head, that was one of the objectives with this song... and we agree! You'll find yourself humming and singing this song all day.  With its catchy lyrics, 'Faithful and True' gets to the heart of what we believe and reminds us that God is always with us. With lines like, 'You wrote the end before time's beginning / Still holding every moment in Your hand,' Amy Hillis tries to describe the essence of God's unlimited power and faithfulness to us... despite all of our flaws. Amy calls us to open our eyes to the truth that in every part of our lives, especially those darkest corners, God is already there, unchanging and everlasting. Just open the door and invite Him to be part of your life.  If you find yourself going through rough times, feeling lost o

'Champions' by Ben Buhler: Embrace the Triumph of Faith

Ben Buhler's 'Champions' is a powerful declaration that God is always present, even during our toughest battles. The lyrics are all about recognizing that we're not just struggling to survive the situation, it's more! With God by our side, we overcome darkness and sin as champions! Ben Buhler sings, 'I'm not alone / Comforter, counselor, I'm yours to hold,' reminding you that whatever you're up against, you don't need to face it on your own. As one of His, He's got your back. He holds you upright and steps in (where needed) to fight your battle.  Sure, situations can present themselves as daunting challenges, where you feel like it's do or die. 'Champions' reminds you, 'God, you're always there; help me fight this fight.' That's the divine support we He promises us, and it's as present as the air you breathe. The song looks beyond God fighting your battles; it's celebrating that the triumph is already

'If Healing is Real' by Abbie Werner: Where Music Meets Miracles

Abbie Werner's new song 'If Healing is Real' is a musical testimony of faith, struggle, and an amazing 14-year journey of healing with Jesus. Abbie's struggles started during her middle and high school years, and looking back, on her path to recovery, she walked hand in hand with Jesus. Her recovery began with a guitar lesson.  'Turn your eyes upon the Person who has won / The toughest battle's done / Grab your freedom,' Abbie sings, summarizing the essence of her journey. It's a call to remember that while we are still in the middle of our battles, no matter how big or small, Jesus has already claimed victory. Abbie shares how Kelsey Sharpe (her music teacher) gave her the tools and structure to express her big feelings, prayers, and questions to Jesus through music. Music with a message of hope, encouraging you to hold onto your faith, even when everything inside you wants to let go. Healing isn't just a possibility, Abbie's song reminds you t

'Don't Be Afraid' by Remilekun: Your Soundtrack to Overcoming

Remilekun's 'Don't Be Afraid' is a song of hope for anyone who's ever felt beaten down or washed up by life. A song of encouragement, pointing to God for guidance, and reminding us that there is no reason to be afraid when faith takes the driver seat.  When you're at a crossroads, with fog making it almost impossible to see the road ahead and your heart heavy with doubt, then 'Don't Be Afraid' comes to the rescue! You could interpret the lyrics 'When your world comes crashing down, don't be afraid,' as a comforting message, but it's intended as a proactive call to get on your feet, stand tall, and face those storms with the firm belief that you're not walking alone. God's got you! He's holding your future, guiding you with gentle and firm assurance that no matter how wild the storms may rage, with faith, you'll make it to the other side.  This song gives direction, pointing you to the key that truly liberates you from

The James Jennings Project Sings ‘Till You Look Good From The Inside Out’

The James Jennings Project did it again with this inspiring third release, 'Till You Look Good From The Inside Out', from the upcoming album 'Hitchhiking On A Narrow Road'. This song is reminder to look beyond the surface, because it is the inside that really matters. Don't let the outward appearances be your motivation for doing things, especially if your going through the motions for others to see. God looks beyond the superficial, because it's our inner self that truly defines who we are and what our true intentions are. In today's world, it's easy to get caught up in what we own or how we look. The brand names on our clothes, the type of car we drive, even the bible that we visibly carry with us on our way to church... These comparisons often start in school, and the society around us often continues these comparisons throughout life. How often do you see that people go out of their way to live in certain areas or go to prestigious universities in or

An incredible piano rendition of 'Worthy of it all' by Emmanuel Songsore

Emmanuel Songsore has released a beautiful cover of the song 'Worthy of it all'. The original is a well known song by David Brymer, and I'm sure that you'll recognize it when you hear the first notes. Emmanuel Songsore has a remarkable talent as a pianist, and I can listen to his tracks for hours. The challenge that I face is to describe his instrumental covers in a manner that does justice to his talent.  Emmanuel's cover of 'Worthy of it all' deserves to be played next to the original. It's not a copy of the original without the vocals. Emmanuel adds a relateable emotion in his rendition of the song that complements the original. I've heard quite a few covers of this song, and every time that I see Emmanuel Songsore's name come up on a new release, I know that I'm in for a treat! I wait for the right moment to listen, when I know that I can listen without interruption, often closing my eyes so that I can fully focus on the way he presents t

'He Can't' by Ryan Jones – Overcoming with Christ

Ryan Jones releases 'He Can't', a joyful and powerful reminder of the victory we have through Christ. It has a fun, upbeat, Christian pop vibe that really hooks you right in, with an important message. Ryan sings about how the enemy is fighting us, and constantly trying to disrupt our walk with God. But here's the kicker - the enemy can't win if we let Christ fight the fight for us. Ryan boldly declares that 'we are overcomers through Jesus Christ'.  In the first verse, Ryan sings, 'Thought he had me, thought he won. Yeah, the enemy he thought that I was good as gone.' I'm sure you've had times when you felt like giving up because you had too much to handle. I know I have! This song helps us remember that the 'enemy's' plans don't last long. 'He can try to steal my joy, and he can try to steal my peace. But he can't take away what my Lord has given me.'   This song is filled with the assurance that no matter what

'Dance with the Devil' by Brittany Bexton: Breaking Free from Destructive Cycles

Brittany Bexton's new song 'Dance with the Devil' is a powerful song that we believe you want to hear. Brittany, a Nashville singer/songwriter, digs deep into her own pain and the heartache that she sees in so many other people who are in abusive relationships. She knows how hard it is to watch loved ones suffer. She says, 'Kick that devil to the curb, you deserve so much better!' This song is her way of shouting out all of the things that she couldn't say before, and hopefully giving others the courage to break free from their own destructive cycles. The message applies to a broader scope than abusive relationships. It also applies to any situation where you are controlled or pushed to do things against your will. E.g., situations where partners stop you from living your faith or limit you to becoming the best version of you. That is also a form of abuse! The lyrics are powerful, especially when you realize where Brittany is coming from. She sings, 'You

'One Divine' by Conor Stone - Turning Despair into Heavenly Assurance

Conor Stone released a song called: 'One Divine'. It is a song filled with hope, with lyrics that pull you from the edge of despair and point you to the warmth you will find in God's ever-present love. Conor's message comes from personal experience, having tumbled down two flights of stairs, waking up expecting the worst, only to find that God's hand kept him safe. Conor didn't understand how he managed to come out of this with just a few bruises. A nurse commented: 'God was looking out for you.' He joked, 'Why was God looking after an atheist tonight?' Connor's rude awakening came when the nurse replied: 'Because he has a purpose for you. Listen to him.'   In 'One Divine,' Conor takes Psalm 91 and uses it to share his story of survival and faith. The lyrics, 'You called to me in the darkness… You are my fortress on the hill,' is his lifeline. Conor brings an encouraging message of God's protection and the light

'Where Breakthrough Starts' by Maria Segerholm and Ed Marl: Finding Hope in Harmony

Maria Segerholm and Ed Marl bring a song that came to Maria during a dream last May. The song is called 'Where Breakthrough Starts.' Maria recalls that she could only remember parts of the melody when she woke up, and that she was singing the song as a duet with a man. She quickly got up and recorded a voice memo of what she remembered and was able to finish the song a couple days later.  Maria shares that she wanted this song to be a proclamation of hope in the midst of struggle, and emphasize that God already knows our concerns, before we even share them with Him (Matthew 6:8). 'Down on my knees, and I can't find the words, I know You know my concerns,' He is already attuned to every silent prayer and unshed tear.  'Here in Your presence, is where breakthrough starts,' reminding us where true change starts, that God has the power to create 'rivers in deserts' (Isaiah 43:19), and bring peace through even a gentle breeze (1 Kings 19:12). Our God deli

'Blessed' by Natasha Cash - Your Soundtrack to Living in Grace

Natasha Cash's 'Blessed' is a song of praise, looking back at life's highs and lows, realizing that she is blessed with God's unconditional love and the joy that comes from living in His light. Natasha's love for music came from her mother. She would wake Natasha and her sister up every Saturday morning to clean the house, which wasn't much fun, but that changed when her mother added music. It quickly became a family tradition, and has become her love, her therapy, and her passion, expressing her gratitude and acknowledgment of being blessed. Natasha shares: 'I have loved music, singing, acting, and performing since I was a little girl. I grew up in a family filled with love, support, and appreciation for entertainment, but most importantly faith in God.'  She continues: 'The lyrics in this song were inspired by my desire to express my heart in a way that people from all walks of life could relate to. No matter what's going on in the world, w

Finding Hope in the Storm: 'He Delivers' by DJ Sm!th Tells Us How

When the going gets tough, DJ Sm!th's song 'He Delivers' reminds us that God will be there for us. The inspiration for this song came to DJ Sm!th as he was reading the following passage in Job: 'He delivers the afflicted by their affliction and opens their ear to adversity.' These words more or less jumped off the page, and by the end of the day, 'He Delivers' was born.  'In the darkest night, in the fiercest storm,' the lyrics remind us that no matter how heavy the world feels or how torn our hearts may be, we are never alone. God catches us when we fall, delivers us from our afflictions and guides us through our pains. It's a comforting and reassuring message every one of us needs to hear: His love is a river, His grace, the key, and it's there for all who invite God to be part of their lives. Give 'He Delivers' a listen. May DJ Sm!th's melody and the truths in these lyrics boost your faith, reminding you that God's love i

'Higher Ground' by Noah Hobson - Finding Hope on Higher Ground

'Higher Ground,' a song by Noah Hobson, is a beautiful song that focusses on Christ's sacrifice and God's endless grace. The lyrics were inspired by Luke 22:42, where Jesus asks the Father to 'take this cup from me.' When we think about that important moment in Gethsemane and how it relates to our own struggles and victories, we too can say, 'You took this cup and saved me from myself on higher ground.'   As you listen, you'll hear the sincerity of Noah in every line, speaking to everyone that is in need of a fresh start: 'I stand on higher ground, And that is where my hope is found. I am laying down what's proud, and now I'm found on higher ground.' These words aren't just song lyrics; they illustrate that Christ can give us new faith and ultimate freedom (if you invite Him into your life).  'Higher Ground' strikes a chord with anyone that is struggling with their shortcomings, and shares a message of the redemption and

'Sing Praise' by Arcadia Worship: The Soundtrack of Daily Joy

Arcadia Worship's 'Sing Praise' is a call to celebrate the everlasting goodness of the Lord. This is the first of four live singles that leads up to their live album later this year. This song is a reminder that God's worth is beyond compare. With lyrics like 'Great is the Lord, He is holy,' the song is inviting you to express your admiration and thankfulness for His presence in your life.  The song's lyrics are simple, easy to catch on to and sing-a-long. It also sets a tone to how we can look at His love and goodness for us. There is nothing complicated about His love; if there is a challenge, it is found in our hearts. His mercies are fresh as the dawn, and His favor spans eternity. And don't we all need that gentle nudge from time to time to look up and open our eyes to the many reasons we have to praise Him?  Imagine a song that encourages you to join the heavenly choirs in praise, that helps to ensure your home and heart never fall short of praise

'The Firstfall', a book by Whispering HOPE

Whispering HOPE not only releases great music (you've seen a number of the releases featured here). If you love reading Novellas, then you're in for a treat! Whispering HOPE released the first book of her 14 historical fiction books on the Old Testament... a series that will be followed by 14 books on the New Testament.  The books are written as Novellas, just 14 chapters each.  Here is an intro to book 1 of the series: The Firstfall: A Tale of Adam and Eve In a world where the divine and the mortal walk hand in hand, Adam and Eve live in perfect harmony with the Creator, their lives sustained by the sacred Breath of Life. The Garden of Eden is a place of unimaginable beauty, where everything thrives under the Creator's watchful eye-except for one forbidden secret: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Eve is content, but curiosity gnaws at her soul. Why has the Creator placed the Tree before them, only to forbid its fruit? As whispers from the shadowy Serpent begin

Stand in the Gap by The James Jennings Project: Bridging the Divide with Compassion

The James Jennings Project hits home with their latest track, 'Stand in the Gap'. The song is a call to action that reminds us of the power of compassion and justice in a world torn between what James Jennings is calling the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'. It's a song that both entertains and deserves a close listen to the lyrics. Lyrics that spark a change in the heart. James draws from personal experiences, living the life of both a 'have' and a 'have-not', with a narrative that sounds all too familiar. Through lyrics like 'There once was a world, sorely divided / Between those who had and had not decided,' you're invited to also look at your own life, asking yourself how you relate to those who might be struggling. 'Stand in the Gap' isn't just an observation, it's more of a plea, a call-to-action. 'So tell me then, who will stand in the gap / Tell me, who will struggle to bring the Nots back?' That's

Alexander Reign's "Listen": A Testimony to Faith

Listen to Alexander Reign's song 'Listen,' immediately changes your mindset, helping you to focus on feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit. The song started as a melody that Alexander played during worship. A melody that evolved into a powerful collaboration with his brother in Christ, Brett Raio. Together, they created a song about trusting God and tuning out worldly noises. The lyrics are a conversation with God. 'Said everything I am, the man I am, it is because it's from you God' captures the essence of surrendering to His plan, and forfeiting our own. It's about recognizing that our identity and purpose come from God's mercy and guidance, and not something we try to create on our own. Possibly one of the biggest challenges we face is found in the song that says, 'Call me and send me and leave me I'll go, following You on this narrow road.' We need constant reminders to stay on God's path, even when it's difficult. The song en

Discover the Hope in 'Lifegiver' by Matt LeFait

'Lifegiver' by Matt LeFait is a beautiful song centered on how God saves and gives us new life. This song was written after Matt and his family had recently gone through a difficult period in their lives, filled with pain and stress. Suddenly, life felt as if it had been renewed, and Matt felt the need to capture that feeling into a song. The pre-chorus powerfully says, “Just when I feel that my life’s not part of your plan, endless mercy shows me that you hold my hand.” God's grace never fades, and this echoes Ephesians 2:4-5, where it reminds us of God’s rich love and mercy, making us alive together with Christ even when we were at our lowest. You can feel this deeply in lyrics like, “You’re my constant overflow when my well runs dry.” Matt describes God as the anchor that holds steadfast until the waves calm, offering peace and rest through every storm we face. As Matt sings, “Here I am I’m sanctified, I once was dead but now alive,” you’re drawn into a testimony of t

Embrace God's Unfailing Love with Tania G's 'Faithfulness'

New and yet familiar-that is the first that comes to mind with Tania G's song 'Faithfulness'. A new and refreshing melody with lyrics that were inspired by the nearly 100-year-old hymn 'Great is Thy Faithfulness'. A song that reminds us of God's constant love and presence in our lives.  God is faithful, no matter what we are going through, regardless if when we can't see or feel it. 'Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, join with nature singing out… Reflecting your mercy and love.' God's love remains constant.  Two incredibly comforting lines in the song are: 'Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I've needed your hand has provided'. God always meets our needs, even ones we aren't aware of yet, and every morning He shows us new mercies. This is not just a biblical promise, but a certainty for many. Tania G continues, as she sings of forgiveness and peace that endures, 'Forgiveness of sins and a peace that endures.

Have You Ever Heard the Good News' by Michelle: Sharing the Hope of Salvation

Michelle releases a new song called "Have You Ever Heard the Good News". The process of creating this song started back in October 2019, after dreaming about writing a salvation song. The song was put aside for years, until recently, when she felt that God was telling her that it was time.  The song has an incredible backstory: two dreams that realigned her music, to music with a divine message. Originally, Michelle was writing songs about her own experiences in the military, but God had other plans for her music. In a dream, she received three words: 'RADIO. PRECEDENCE. SALVATION.' She felt God was telling her to prioritize on sharing the good news of salvation on the radio. In another dream, she heard the layout of this song, and it felt like God had given her instructions on how to put the song together. She heard the song with an orchestra of music, a female gospel choir, and herself singing, with a crowd of people singing in harmony. But the timing wasn't ri

'Let Him Work' by Faith Worship Artists: Finding Peace in God’s Plan

Faith Worship Artists released a new song “Let Him Work”. Great music, especially if you are (sometimes) struggling with His plan, or have different expectations of His timing and answers. This song was inspired by Romans 8:28, and calls us to surrender our worries and trust that God is at work, shaping our lives for the better. Trust, it's just a small word, but it can require a huge leap of faith! The song immediately challenges you, “Who are you trusting / To ease every worry,” asking those personal questions that we all face. John Dreher of Faith Worship Arts shares that the song’s essence is about embracing God’s perfect timing and plan. We're not able grasp even a fraction of what He has in store for us and His timings, “So let Him work / ‘Cause He’s not done with you.” God is never finished with us and His plans are for our good. What will it take for you to surrender to Him? Faith Worship Artists encourages you, “When you are walking / Through darkness and shadows / D

Wonder Berlin's 'Million Voices': A Hopeful Song in Troubled Times

Wonder Berlin brings us 'Million Voices' right when the world needed it most. The creation of this song started when the Ukrainian war was unfolding, and the world has become even crazier since then. While we are seeing the weight of global conflict increase and things feel quite overwhelming, this song is intended as a reminder that there is eternal peace!  Just listen to the first verse, a heartfelt plea: 'When there's a million voices, let me hear Your voice through all the noise.' That's not just a plea for people in the hotspots! You and I need it as well. As we go through our day-to-day, His voice often drowns in our own chaos. The lyrics remind us that we're not alone and that God's plan is still unfolding: 'I want to know that You have a plan, that my story isn't finished yet.'  The chorus gets even more personal, 'Jesus, take all these pieces, hold me, lead me where the peace is.' We all feel scattered at times and try to p

'Just One Word' by Reflect Church: Stirring Your Faith

Reflect Church’s song “Just One Word” is all about our hunger to experience God’s power by surrendering to His will and having faith in His promises. When you hear the lines “This is my confidence / My future in your presence,” you’re reminded that God’s promises are trustworthy, because He always comes through! With such an assurance, why would you hesitate to invite Him to take over completely. The chorus drives this home: “Just one word and the mountain moves / Just one touch and your healing flows / Just one breath and my life renews / Come fill my soul.” It’s lyrics like this, and the passion you hear during the song, that boost your hunger for His presence. A few highlights from t he lyrics. In the first verse encourages you to recall His faithfulness, “I’m finding my voice again / So remind me of what you’ve done” . Do you remember the last time when you felt His power most? It pleases God when you remember His faithfulness, and He wants to deepen the relationship with you. Th

whispering HOPE³ - The Eight Elements of Faith and Spiritual Growth

whispering HOPE³ is a project that has been in the works for quite some time, and is their way of sharing God's light with the world. This album is dropping on September 6, 2024! September 6th holds special significance for the team—it marks a new season, a time of new beginnings and breakthroughs. Hence releasing an album right when the world is ready to receive something new and life-changing. Eight songs are filled with pulsating rhythms of Afrobeat, catchy hooks of Pop, raw energy of Rock, and the soulful melodies of R&B. Songs that address eight specific elements of faith and spiritual growth. Let's have a quick look at each of the songs: Faith in Motion: The key message is that living faith means action. Look at how Jesus honors our faith heroes. E.g., Jesus appreciates the active faith that Matthew and Mark showed, from a man on a mat to a foreign woman. Faith changes lives. Conquer All: Having faith in Christ empowers. Our faith gives us authority and boldness. Fai