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whispering HOPE³ - The Eight Elements of Faith and Spiritual Growth

whispering HOPE³ is a project that has been in the works for quite some time, and is their way of sharing God's light with the world. This album is dropping on September 6, 2024! September 6th holds special significance for the team—it marks a new season, a time of new beginnings and breakthroughs. Hence releasing an album right when the world is ready to receive something new and life-changing.

whispering HOPE - whispering HOPE 3Eight songs are filled with pulsating rhythms of Afrobeat, catchy hooks of Pop, raw energy of Rock, and the soulful melodies of R&B. Songs that address eight specific elements of faith and spiritual growth.

Let's have a quick look at each of the songs:

  • Faith in Motion: The key message is that living faith means action. Look at how Jesus honors our faith heroes. E.g., Jesus appreciates the active faith that Matthew and Mark showed, from a man on a mat to a foreign woman. Faith changes lives.
  • Conquer All: Having faith in Christ empowers. Our faith gives us authority and boldness. Faith fuels courage.
  • Light of the Word: God's Word guides us. It's not dead, on the contrary... it is alive, discerning, and relevant for everyone. All aspects of God's Word light our path.
  • Canvas for the Divine: Our lives are canvases for God's purpose. We're called to be open and united, allowing His vision to shape us.
  • Gifts of the Spirit: A reminder of what the spiritual gifts of the Spirit are, like wisdom and healing. These gifts build the church and reflect God's love daily. Each believer has one or more gifts of the Spirit that can be used in their unique role.
  • Unseen, Yet Real: Our faith extends beyond the visible. Just because we can't see it, or see things happening, doesn't mean that it isn't there. We trust in eternal truths.
  • Unfailing Grace: God's grace changes lives. His grace is more than enough! We're given examples, such as the prodigal's return, breaking barriers with a Samaritan woman, and Paul’s transformation. God’s grace is life-changing, it's always been there, and it is there for you as well!
  • Clothed in Christ: Being “clothed in Christ” means growing in spiritual maturity. We move from milk to solid food, becoming more like Christ each day.

If you’re curious about what this genre-defying, faith-driven album sounds like, then go ahead and click on the links.

For more about the story behind whispering HOPE and their music, visit their website and social media channels. (

Connect with whispering HOPE

You can listen to the track directly on Spotify:

Here is a link to the video on YouTube:

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