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Showing posts from February, 2025

"He has done great things (Bethel Music Cover)" by Emmanuel Songsore: Celebrating Jesus’ Sacrifice Through Music

Emmanuel Songsore has released a new instrumental cover, and this time it is an instrumental version of the song "He Has Done Great Things" by Bethel Music. The original was released by Bethel Music on December 6th, 2024, and a live version was released on Bethel's album, "We Must Respond," on January 10th, 2025. Have you heard it yet?  This song is so new that you may not have heard the original yet. "He Has Done Great Things" is a beautiful depiction of the gospel and the sacrifice of Jesus. The lyrics are inspired by Psalm 103, passages that remind us of the gift we all may receive of God's everlasting love, mercy, and forgiveness. The lyrics in Bethel's original use imagery of the crucified Lamb and rivers of grace, reminding us of the forgiveness we receive through His blood and declaring Him worthy of all praise for removing our sin and opening the door so we may be with Him.  The following passage in Psalm 103 came to mind as I read the ...

"I Am A Child Of God (EP)" by Thankfully Christian: A Celebration of Our Identity and Faith In God

David, known as Thankfully Christian, pours his life's journey into his EP, "I Am A Child Of God." Growing up in a traditional church setting, David was blessed with parents who instilled faith in him at an early age. Tragically, he lost his parents while he was young and turned to Christ with full dedication and found his purpose in sharing God's love through music. This EP reflects his connection with God, making this EP a joyful declaration of his identity in Him.  The lyrics of these songs are filled with confidence and gratitude, reminding us of our place as beloved children of God. Here is a summary of the message and intent of each song: Take It To The Cross is an upbeat track that encourages us to surrender sin, embrace faith, and follow Jesus daily. With a catchy refrain, it reminds us to live in His light, guided by grace, love, and truth, as we pursue His purpose and lift everything to the cross. Living Water, Eternal Life highlights our longing for spirit...

"Great Exchange" by Alex Young And Friends: The Weight of Grace on the Cross

Alex Young And Friends' "Great Exchange" is their second single! A single with beautiful verse lyrics about the meaning of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The song beautifully captures the weight of sin and shame that is "nailed to the cross, nailed to the cross," and also celebrates a 'great exchange' where Christ stepped in to take our place and pay the ultimate price, so we are free. "The holy and righteous king, suffered and died for me," such a love for us, and what a price He paid for our freedom.  The song takes us along the brutality of Calvary— "There's a hill that I know where the criminals go" —to His triumphant resurrection: "He was laid in a grave, but in three days was raised." Jesus not only bore our sins, but He also conquered death, and by doing so, He completed the work of salvation.  After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Alex co-produced a full album with Jason Hoard (Third Day, Crowder, Shane ...

"Promises" by Anneline Hugo: Trusting God When Worlds Crumble

Anneline Hugo's "Promises" is a deeply personal and heartfelt song about holding onto God's Word when life feels overwhelming. The song was co-written with Carli Lessing and reminds us that even when "the earth itself is crumbling," God is and always will be our refuge and strength. The chorus declares, "I'll hold onto you when my world falls apart… For all of your promises are yes and amen," emphasizing the essence of trust in His faithfulness.  This is a song that is born out of Anneline's faith journey. Anneline shares: "This is a song that is very special to us. … My husband has been fighting cancer since 2018 and this song is born out of that struggle—the Lord has always been faithful and His character and promises have been like an anchor for us in our storms." The lyrics contain such an important message, especially if you're currently facing some hard times in your life. "He loves you with an everlasting love. He...

"I’ll Go" by Matthew Simmons: Trusting God Through Every Step

Matthew Simmons released "I'll Go", a powerful song about wholeheartedly following Jesus, no matter where He leads you. The song captures what it means to surrender to God and declares, "Where you go I'll go" and "The compass of my heart, You point me to the light." This is such an encouraging reminder that God always meets us where ever we are and wraps us in His love, even though the world may say that we'll never measure up.  The main theme of this song's message focuses on trust and devotion, and that includes trusting that He will always be with you, even when life seems to go the wrong way. Inspiring lyrics like "In the blessing and the breaking, I'll never be forsaken" emphasize that God is always there for us, no matter what ups and downs we're going through. He doesn't let us go, and any distance we may be feeling is only because we're starting to let go of Him. We trust that you'll enjoy how Matthe...

"Look at the Love" by Felicity Joy: Finding Freedom Through Worship

Felicity Joy's "Look at the Love" is a joyful musical celebration of the love and grace that God has for us, no matter how often we slip. Felicity aims to inspire us to take a moment to pause, see what He is doing in our lives, and marvel at His goodness. The lyrics are filled with excitement and awe, giving words to describe that overwhelming joy we may feel as we reflect on His kindness. Lyrics like "Look at the love of my Father, I'm in awe and I'm in wonder" and "When I think of You, I'm set free" emphasize His life-changing grace and help us to really see and appreciate His love.  As Felicity puts it, "I wrote "Look at the Love" from a place of simple joy and thanksgiving." She continues: "When I really stop and look at the immeasurable grace and favor of our God, a feeling of joy bubbles up inside of me. And that's where this song came from—this excitement, awe, and gratitude that rises in me when I thin...

"May They Be Redeemed" by Folk Hymnal: Reflecting on the Gospel’s Truth

"May They Be Redeemed" is a retelling of the 'bigger' Christian story and challenges us to really think about this message and what it means to us. From the creation— "All had been made perfectly" —to the fall of mankind at the tree where "cons and lies" took hold, the song captures both the beauty of creation and the brokenness of our present world. The song then moves to Christ's redemptive gift to us— "God came to the tragedy, a ransom for the unjust" —and concludes with the hope we all may have in His return, the time when "pain and death will no longer reign."   The song challenges and makes you ask yourself the question, "is this my story? Is it really true?" The song is inspired by Frederick Buechner's description of the gospel as a "fairy tale that claims to be true," and we see this in the lyrics as gentle nudges to reflect and decide: "Let this story ring true, let it sing for me and...

"The Greatness of You" by InHymn: Marveling at God’s Power and Personal Love

InHymn's "The Greatness of You" is a beautiful song that captures the duality of God's power and His personal love for us. The lyrics invite us to stop what we're doing and marvel at His handiwork—"the  stars above, the thunder's roll"—while  also reflecting on His ultimate act of love: sending His Son to bear our pain and wash away our sins. With lyrics such as "How great You are, in every way," you realize that the song is more than observing God's greatness, it's also an invitation to experience it personally. The song was born from a quiet moment during a stormy summer evening, as the songwriter watched the storm unfold: "From my sheltered seat, I watched the storm unfold and was deeply moved by the reminder that the same God who created the storms, the wind, and the rain—who still commands them today—loves ME. So much, in fact, that He sent His only Son to die on a cross for my multitude of sins. ME… a person who means no...

"Joy In The Morning (Tauren Wells Cover)" by Zac Adams: A Song for Every Struggle, A Promise for Every Heart

Zac Adams releases his rendition of "Joy In The Morning," a song about the fact that no matter how dark your life is, there is always joy on the horizon. With lines like "If it doesn't make sense right now, it will when it's over" and "There will be joy in the morning," the song emphasizes God's faithfulness and encourages us to hold on to our faith through all of the struggles that we face. Just hold on a little longer, and under His guidance, everything will look better than ever before.  Zac shares that he chose to cover this song as an encouragement because when he was facing dark times, these mornings of joy felt impossibly far away. God never let him go; He proved His faithfulness time and time again, and this inspired Zac to share that same hope with you as well. The chorus triggers such a powerful paradigm shift, "If it's not good, then He's not done," encouraging us to be patient and trust God's promise that re...

'Face to Face' by Yemi Alafifuni: Turning Daily Life Into Sacred Moments

In his song "Face to Face," Yemi Alafifuni expresses our deepest (and sometimes dormant) desire to have a deeper relationship with God. This isn't one of those songs that was written within a few hours at the kitchen table. It's a song that has been years in the making and inspired by a whisper Yemi heard during his 2-3 hour daily commutes in 2019. Yemi shares: "I heard a whisper in my spirit: “Come away with Me.” At first I resisted. I was already drained, both physically and mentally. But this prompting didn’t stop—it grew stronger. I knew this wasn’t just another passing thought; it was an invitation. So I obeyed." Yemi's daily commutes turned his car into a sanctuary of prayer. This sacred space nurtured a personal cry for more, a face-to-face encounter with God, the kind of intimacy that Moses had when he spoke with God as a friend. This became Yemi's personal cry. It wasn’t about doubt—it was about hunger. And it's in that hunger that the c...

"More Than a Conqueror" by Doyin Teru: A Live Worship Experience of Unshakable Faith

Doyin Teru's live rendition of "More Than a Conqueror" is a powerful gospel song that declares God's unshakable love and provision. The song was recorded in Vienna with the J423 Community. Inspired by passages in Romans 8, reminding us that nothing—neither life, death, nor any power—can separate us from God's love. "Nothing will take Your Presence from my life" and "No one shall separate me from Your love" are  examples from the lyrics that are both a confession and also a celebration of the victory we all may experience through Christ. The inspiration for this song came to Bolaji Teru on December 10, 2022, when he woke up with a melody in his heart: "Nothing will take Your presence from my life; no one shall separate me from Your love." . A few months later, he was inspired to write the verse, drawing entirely from the Scriptures. The first verse is based on Romans 8:38, and the second verse comes from Romans 8:32, passages that emph...

"I Am (Radio Edit)" by Avery Stafford: A Majestic Declaration of God’s Glory

Avery Stafford's "I Am (Radio Edit)" is a breathtaking song that invites us into a moment of awe and worship as we celebrate the unmatched majesty of God. The song uses imagery of creation—from the "light of day" to the "peaks of Kilimanjaro"—as Avery points us back to the Creator. You'll quickly find yourself singing along with the refrain, "The Alpha and Omega—I Am," lyrics that emphasize God's eternal nature and remind that sovereign over all things. Avery wrote the song in 1995, when he moved from his youth ministry in Port Orchard, WA, to pursue music in Portland, OR. It became part of his groundbreaking work with One A'Chord and was later featured on his 2005 album "Undignified." Together with Tim Storms (known for his Guinness World Record-breaking vocals), he adds a unique richness to this timeless song.  The song calls us to join in unity with heaven and declare, "All over heaven, hear our voices ringing!...

"Do Not Worry (Seek First)" by Divine Vibes: Finding Peace in God’s Promises

Divine Vibes’ “Do Not Worry (Seek First)” is a song in the Melodic Techno & House / Tropical House genre with lyrics that are based on Matthew 6:33-34. The key message of this song? Stop worrying about tomorrow and focus on seeking God’s kingdom now—because His provision is sure, and worrying about tomorrow isn't going to change anything. You'll hear this message come back in lines like “Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself.”  That is one of the timeless wisdoms that Jesus has given us; each day already carries enough challenges without taking an advance on challenges that may (or may not) come in the future. This track came from a desire to help listeners refocus the heart on what is really important: God’s righteousness and His promises to you, me, and all mankind. It’s a musical nudge to surrender your anxieties, place them at His feet, and trust that He will lead you safely through today’s struggles and tomorrow’s unknowns. The line in the ref...

"Be Still" by Zac Adams: Discovering Strength in Surrender

Zac Adams' song "Be Still" is a reminder to slow down and trust God, even when you feel completely overwhelmed by situations in your life. Zac sings about wrestling with doubt, depression, and suffering and points us to the life-changing peace that we can only find in Christ. Lines like "Can you give me strength to be still?" and "My soul finds rest in Christ and Him alone" describe a desire for His comfort that may sound very familiar. Zac wrote this song while he went through hard times, feeling worn out from unanswered questions and many emotions. During his prayer, the text of Psalm 46:10 was placed on his heart, "Be still, and know that I am God." This scripture became the main theme of the song, encouraging us to take a moment to breathe and give our worries and burdens to the One who really has everything under control.  Zac has done a great job of balancing vulnerability and hope in the lyrics. It recognizes the pain we may feel an...

"Plans" by Freedom Heart: Finding Peace in His Perfect Design

Freedom Heart's song "Plans" dives into the struggle we all know of trying to control our own lives, and at a certain point we realize/accept that God's way is always better. The lyrics reflect the moment of surrender, where we acknowledge that we often make mistakes and lose sight of our calling and recognize that God's plans are perfect, beyond anything that we could imagine.  The verses beautifully capture this tension—of admitting fears of failure and, at the same time, finding comfort in the truth that God has a greater plan for us and He never fails. The chorus makes it clear that no matter how much we doubt, we can't derail God's purpose for us. God sees what we can't see and promises to guide us along every step of our journey. The bridge of the song helps to shift our mindset to bold confidence, declaring an end to our overthinking because His Spirit and Word anchors us securely (if we accept it).  May this song reassure you that by trusting G...

"It Is You." by HOMECOMING: Rediscovering the One Who Truly Satisfies

HOMECOMING's new song, "It Is You.", started during a spontaneous moment of worship and reflects the band's desire to create music that recalibrates hearts back to what truly matters—Jesus. Today's world seems to be obsessed with chasing success and validation, and this song pulls us back into a bigger reality… the reality that nothing compares to God's presence. The lyrics wrestle with doubt, wandering faith, and feeling distant from God, and come back full circle to the core of our faith—that He alone satisfies. Lines like "Why does my faith start to wander?" and "Even when I am left faithless, Your love is steadfast" show the contrast we face between our human frailty and God's faithfulness. The chorus boldly declares: "It is You… You're all I've ever wanted, You're everything I need."   This song transitions from an intimate prayer to a powerful proclamation (or a powerful wish…), combining synths and layered...

"Purpose" by Andrew Macdonald: Uncovering Your Meaningful Calling

When Andrew Macdonald finished his first album—a concept album about lifelong love—he recognized how music can be used to share meaningful, impactful, and inspirational truths about faith. This song, "Purpose," has been almost two years in the making and will be the title track of an album that is still in the works. This song is meant to inspire others who are searching for meaning in their lives, with the hope that this song inspires them to live a life of purpose. For Macdonald, purpose isn't something abstract—it's how he lives daily, guided by faith. The lyrics are like a conversation with yourself, gently encouraging you to live each day with new meaning. There's no thunderous call here— "It's a quiet calling // Deep in your heart," waiting for you to listen carefully. When things go wrong in life, don't look at those challenges as roadblocks! See each challenge as a stepping stone that brings you closer to finding and understanding your u...

Here to Stay by Loulita Gill – A Song for When Life Feels Out of Control

Loulita Gill's song "Here to Stay" might just be the gentle reminder you need when it feels like life is spinning out of control. Written with her longtime friend and producer, Aron Bicskey, this song is about God being your constant factor and unshakeable foundation in a world that is anything but stable. The lyrics are very comforting in times when confusion pulls you down, just like Loulita sings, "Even when I feel that I'm a stranger / Living in a world out of control." We've probably all felt similar moments in our lives. Loulita continues with a powerful chorus: "You never leave me / You never shy away / You're here to stay." Just let this truth sink in for a moment… What can possibly go wrong when we have Him in our lives? The lyric "Draw me closer / Draw me deeper into your love" is an invitation to drop everything that is weighing us down and simply run to Him. When it feels like you're drowning or doubts are flood...

Compel Worship’s “Sure – Live from Youth Night”: A Song of Unwavering Trust in God’s Faithfulness

In Compel Worship's live rendition of the song "Sure," they bring us a song that we believe will be appreciated by anyone who is wrestling with doubt or uncertainty. The lyrics are inspired by Paul's words in Philippians, reminding us that God isn't just starting something good in our lives—He's also committed to finishing it. This is the promise that keeps coming back throughout the lyrics, creating a paradigm shift that chases doubts away and helps us to find true peace in God. The song is a message of liberation, showing us the best possible way to break free from the lies that hold us captive. The song beautifully describes what it feels like to be enveloped by God's endless and patient love, a love that is so tangible that you can almost feel it wrapping around you as well. The refrain echoes confidence, not in ourselves, but in the One who never wavers. When life pulls at you, trying to yank you away from the Lord's way, the song gently points yo...

Dreamers' "World Of Wonder - Live" - A Musical Praise to Jesus

In the live rendition of "World of Wonder," Dreamers describes how it is when your life has been changed by Jesus. Dreamers is the name of the youth movement at Futures Church, near the sunny coast of Australia. "World of Wonder" aligns with the heart of their mission: to inspire the next generation to chase their God dreams. The message of the song is clear: through Jesus, every day becomes an amazing journey that is filled with possibilities that we could never have anticipated. The lyrics reflect a faith journey that is quite familiar for many Christians, witnessing how battles are won by faith and feeling God's presence in every moment of our lives. A reminder that anything is possible when we have Jesus by our side. The chorus beautifully sums this up: "I'm living in a world of wonder, every day's a miracle with You. … I'm never getting over the wonder, You're wonderful." Every day is a miracle and is never taken for granted. Witn...

David Madrid's 'Why Not?!': A Joyful Call to Follow Jesus

David Madrid's song "Why Not?!" is an interesting song, in the sense that it turns the tables around. We can think up so many reasons not to follow Jesus, like saying that it isn't true, but what if you approach this from another point of view? What could possibly go wrong if you just choose to follow Jesus? That is what this song is about, exploring the freedom and purpose found in just saying "yes" to Jesus. David candidly shares how he struggles with self-doubt and finds reassurance in God, who calls him "His beloved." The song speaks about just letting go of past mistakes and choosing to live fully in God's present embrace. So, stop looking for excuses! Why not just follow Jesus? David Madrid makes it clear: there's really nothing to lose! The ultimate message of this song is that Jesus is the reason for everything. It is a reminder that we truly find the greatest treasure in God's love. So, why not go all in today? (Related scriptu...

'Close To You' by Colonial Heights Worship: A Song of Faithful Hope

Colonial Heights Worship released a song called 'Close To You,' a beautiful reminder of God's unchanging faithfulness. The idea for the song was born from the desire to remember the Lord's steadfast love for us. A love that we can never earn or deserve, but we can always count on it through all of life's highs and lows. The lyrics start with expressing gratitude and recalling moments when He lifted our burdens and broke our chains. The verses reflect on past challenges and triumphs, making it clear how God's presence has been (and will continue to be) our anchor through it all. The chorus celebrates our Savior as Healer and Redeemer, and the bridge of the song assures us that He will stay by our side, echoing the comfort of Psalm 23. 'Close To You' is a beautiful song and especially encouraging for anyone that is longing for peace and assurance. May this song inspire you to trust in His goodness every day and invite you to live in the warmth of His love....

Marcus & Jalyn McGill's 'Deserted' – Have Faith and Patience, We're Never Deserted

"Deserted" by Marcus & Jalyn McGill is a beautiful single from their upcoming project "between barren & beautiful." This song uses poetic imagery of walking through a desert and compares this to our struggles as we wait on God's promises. Our struggles take us through feelings of hope and doubt, while all God asks from us is that we trust in His timing. The first half of "Deserted" captures our side of a journey—our struggle as we wait for God to fulfill His promises. You see the confusion and frustration in the lines like: "But day turns to night, and I sit in the dark," and "I look to the stars, but it is so hard, to believe again." The second half of the song shifts to God's response and how He urges us to see His faithfulness even in difficult times. "Don't miss the beauty of the stars" and "you're not deserted" reminding us that God's presence and love are a constant factor, never ...

Finding Refuge in Song: "Lead Me To The Rock" by Tom Mottershead and Maria Segerholm

Tom Mottershead and Maria Segerholm release "Lead Me To The Rock" in a unique collaboration across the globe. The collaboration that started with a 2-hour video call a year ago has already resulted in a joint release, and with the release of this song, it continues to bear fruits of musical inspiration and harmony. Tom Mottershead is from Australia, and Maria Segerholm is from Sweden. They have a spiritual connection across the oceans, and for "Lead Me To The Rock" they have drawn inspiration from Psalm 61, as well as the challenges they each have faced in their lives. No matter what difficulties they have been through, their faith in God brings them real peace. This song beautifully describes their deepest longing for God's peace and uses the image of finding safety in Christ's arms. The lyrics are full of biblical truth and read like an honest prayer, the kind one prays when life feels overwhelming. You can hear a cry for God's help in the lyrics, maki...

Thoughts And Notions - ‘Countdown to Forever’: A Journey of Faith and Hope

Philippine's Power Pop CCM band, Thoughts And Notions, are back with a song called 'Countdown to Forever.' Fans of the band will be thrilled to know that the band reunites with their former lead vocalist, Thrina Dimaano, after 15 years! The trigger behind this song is actually their reunion and a desire to declare their dedication to God's path with the world.  The lyrics are relatable, describing the ups and downs of life that ultimately lead to celebrating God's constant presence. It is God's love that can save us when we're going through tough times (if you let Him). The chorus is a powerful affirmation that deserves repeating over and over again: "I'm going to ride through the turbulent waves // Knowing that you're here to save // I'll never let go of my grip // You're the only hope I keep // I'm counting down to forever // I'm counting down to forever." So, sing along when your facing some of life's hardships and le...