Tom Mottershead and Maria Segerholm release "Lead Me To The Rock" in a unique collaboration across the globe. The collaboration that started with a 2-hour video call a year ago has already resulted in a joint release, and with the release of this song, it continues to bear fruits of musical inspiration and harmony. Tom Mottershead is from Australia, and Maria Segerholm is from Sweden. They have a spiritual connection across the oceans, and for "Lead Me To The Rock" they have drawn inspiration from Psalm 61, as well as the challenges they each have faced in their lives. No matter what difficulties they have been through, their faith in God brings them real peace. This song beautifully describes their deepest longing for God's peace and uses the image of finding safety in Christ's arms. The lyrics are full of biblical truth and read like an honest prayer, the kind one prays when life feels overwhelming. You can hear a cry for God's help in the lyrics, maki...