InHymn's "The Greatness of You" is a beautiful song that captures the duality of God's power and His personal love for us. The lyrics invite us to stop what we're doing and marvel at His handiwork—"the stars above, the thunder's roll"—while also reflecting on His ultimate act of love: sending His Son to bear our pain and wash away our sins. With lyrics such as "How great You are, in every way," you realize that the song is more than observing God's greatness, it's also an invitation to experience it personally.
The song was born from a quiet moment during a stormy summer evening, as the songwriter watched the storm unfold: "From my sheltered seat, I watched the storm unfold and was deeply moved by the reminder that the same God who created the storms, the wind, and the rain—who still commands them today—loves ME. So much, in fact, that He sent His only Son to die on a cross for my multitude of sins. ME… a person who means nothing to the world but who is loved without limits by the God of everything. And this same loving God, who reigns over heaven and earth, is the one I will one day meet face-to-face."
The Creator of thunder and wind loves each of us individually, and this is a beautiful way to remind each other of our calling to share God's love and be the kind of person that sparks curiosity in non-believers. It's lines like "Your love, it shines, it never fades" that emphasize our faith in His unchanging grace and encourage us to look to Him at all times, no matter what we are facing in our lives.
May this song be an invitation to worship deeply and find ways to share more about Him with others. If you've ever doubted your significance or God's care, may this song help you to shift your point of view and see His gifts for all who include God in their lives.
(Related scripture: Psalm 19:1-2; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:4-5)
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