"Wait On You" by Hope Worship is an inspiring song about the need to place our trust in God. It's not enough to say that you trust Him, it is also about walking the talk… and having the courage to let go once you've placed your challenges in His hands. Hope Worship encourages us to have faith in His promises. He will make a way for us, even when we're not able to see one. The song's lyrics, like "I will wait on you Lord, all my hope is in Your word," are a prayer, a desire, maybe even a plea, because it is often easier said than done. The key is to trust God no matter what happens and trust in His timing. Hope Worship wants to reassure you that He is your rock, safety, and refuge. "You hold me in Your hand." … isn't that what we truly desire?
The lyrics remind us that He is already there for us, but we also need to take a step, a leap of faith, by surrendering everything to God, just like they sing in the following lines, "I lay it all down, I surrender" and "Your way's better." We're encouraged to patiently wait on Him, on His timing, and have confidence that He will respond in ways that it will be for our good.
If you're facing challenges or need encouragement to hang in there, may this song encourage you to be patient and trust His timing as well as His unmatched power.
(Related scripture: Psalm 25:4-5; Isaiah 43:19; Psalm 62:5-8)
Connect with Hope Worship
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hope_worship
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