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'The Firstfall', a book by Whispering HOPE

Whispering HOPE not only releases great music (you've seen a number of the releases featured here). If you love reading Novellas, then you're in for a treat! Whispering HOPE released the first book of her 14 historical fiction books on the Old Testament... a series that will be followed by 14 books on the New Testament.  The books are written as Novellas, just 14 chapters each.  Here is an intro to book 1 of the series: The Firstfall: A Tale of Adam and Eve In a world where the divine and the mortal walk hand in hand, Adam and Eve live in perfect harmony with the Creator, their lives sustained by the sacred Breath of Life. The Garden of Eden is a place of unimaginable beauty, where everything thrives under the Creator's watchful eye-except for one forbidden secret: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Eve is content, but curiosity gnaws at her soul. Why has the Creator placed the Tree before them, only to forbid its fruit? As whispers from the shadowy Serpent begin