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Luminate House’s ‘Open My Eyes’: A Heartfelt Prayer in Song

Luminate House releases their 4th song, called 'Open My Eyes', featuring Joe Garza and Angel Toakesse. It's a beautiful prayer asking God to open our eyes to His daily blessings. Not only the big blessings, but especially those small miracles that often get lost in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.  What makes 'Open My Eyes' special is how it draws you in, and ignites a longing to sit in God's presence. Lines like, 'You are my God, blessing me always, true to your word,' wrapped in a warm melody, increasing your longing to those special moments that you can hear His voice and feel His guiding hand.  'You make a way, open my eyes,' a chorus that reminds us that God is our waymaker, if we are ready to see it. Sure, life can blindside us, but you can count on God to find a way to lead you through it. It is such a comfort to know that we're not alone!  Even though we live in such a noisy world, it is so important that create time and spa

Joy Dame's 'Even in the Ups': A Melody of Continual Prayer

Joy Dame released a song called: 'Even in the Ups', a nice mix of Christian pop and Gospel with a contagious 'dance in the kitchen' feel. Joy Dame wrote this song together with 3 friends during a songwriting retreat. They started from scratch as they were discussing how prayer is important in every aspect of the Christian life -  'even in the ups' .  The song is a reminder that God isn't just there for tough times, He is also there for when life is going well! Listening to the lyrics was a bit of a wakeup-call for me as well, realizing that I am sometimes more often on my knees while I'm facing challenges, and my prayers to thank Him for His blessings may be somewhat brief, or possibly even forgotten. Ouch! But it's so true: 'But even in the ups I need you, even in the ups.'  In the ups, that's when our relationship with God is more about growing, having an attitude of praise and dependance, and being prepared to follow His lead wherever

'Jesus' by Jesse Sarvinski - Finding Hope in God's Word

'Jesus,' Jesse Sarvinski's newest song, is an inspiring song that shows us that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how challenging things may seem. For years, Jesse wasn't sure how to include faith in his music. But after hearing God's strong call, during a tough period in his life, he felt more compelled than ever to come clean about his faith and share it with his listeners.  Jesse and Swedish producer Simon Jacobsen teamed up through the internet to create the song 'Jesus'. Jess shares: 'I wanted this song to be different from anything that I had created before, something that would make people feel good and also bring a sense of joy and hope in the challenging times we're going through.' It was also an opportunity to work with old friends who laid down the guitars and added other magic to the track, as well as other talented people who assisted with various aspects of the song.  What's really inspiring is the res

'The Fall' by Josh Wright: Embracing Healing Through Pain

Josh Wright's new song, 'The Fall,' is about the dark and heavy moments that often come with loss, grief, and sin. Most of us have been there, feeling a deep sense of guilt and shame. But that is not where God wants us to linger! Yes, it's important to understand the consequences of our actions, but there is also a next chapter. God wants us to 'get up' and 'keep going.'  Josh beautifully sings about this next chapter in 'The Fall.' With lyrics like, 'I didn't want the valley, I didn't want the dark,' you can feel the pain and reluctance that Josh experienced. He continues, 'Nobody wants to stumble or ever hit the ground. Nobody wants to have to hurt for healing to be found.'   Josh emphasizes that although we're not looking for pain, it does play an important part in understanding God's love. If there is no contrast, e.g., no pain, then how will we be able to appreciate God's love and plan for us? This is how

'Three In One' by Robby Robinson and Sara Niemietz: Feel the Divine Connection

Let's dive right in. Robby Robinson and Sara Niemietz's 'Three In One' is a beautiful Christian Pop about the beautiful mystery of the Holy Trinity. This release features the captivating vocals of Sara Niemietz, together with Robby Robinson's gifted musical talent. We're confident that you'll enjoy this track!  The song's theme centers around the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The core understanding that connects every believer in faith. The chorus, 'In the name of the Father, the name of the Son, In the name of the Spirit, your life is now begun,' sets the tone, reminding us that when we focus our lives on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, our lives are renewed in Christ and filled with divine purpose.  There are three verses, each verse focussing separately on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The first verse, 'God the Father in heaven above, He formed the earth and laid up the song,' gives you a sense of God

'You're Still With Me', Freedom Heart's Song of Comfort during Numbness

Have you ever felt distant from both God and life? If so, then Freedom Heart's latest song, 'You're Still With Me' is especially for you. Lynn Chen wrote this song during a time when feeling numb and emotionless seemed to be the new normal. She couldn't go to Him or reach out to people. She felt emotionless. Can you relate that? Sometimes the walls we build to hide our pain are also keeping out the love and comfort we desperately need.  'My heart is numb, I don't feel a thing, Ready to throw it all away.' The struggle that many face during hard times. It is especially during these times when God's promises seem to be the last thing that comes to mind: 'You said that you would never leave me, You won't forget me, You're still with me.' That is such a comforting truth! The lyrics invite you to lean on God's unwavering presence instead of our own understanding.  There is freedom that comes from admitting: 'You're still freein

'The Glory' by DJ Sm!th: Modern Sounds, Eternal Truths

Time for a little bit of a change, and I know not everyone is going to appreciate this genre… but if you can appreciate CEDM, then you're going to love this track! DJ Sm!th's released the track, 'The Glory' in the CEDM genre. This song is an amazing blend of familiar hymn lyrics with a fresh EDM sound. I love how DJ Sm!th managed to breathe a new feel into this timeless message, making the message accessible to a wider audience.  The essence of the song is pure praise. It begins with the lines, 'To God be the glory, great things He hath done, So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,' reminding us of God's love for us. By the time you reach the chorus, your ready to join in, 'Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice.'   What makes the message of 'The Glory' so impactful is its focus on redemption, reminding the listener of God's promise of forgiveness. T