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Mohammed K Paika’s ‘Just Human’: A Call to Unity and Peace

Just Human' by Mohammed K Paika, is a touching and very relevant song about the growing lack of unity and peace in this world. Our world… where it seems that we have lost touch with the essence of our shared humanity. The song calls us to break down barriers - religious and political - and see each other as children of God. Sure, we can all point to politicians who sanction the violance, the children who pull knives (or worse) instead of talking, and the list goes on. But nothing will change until we change what we can. It starts with us, you and me.  Mohammed's voice, combined with a unique musical blend of drums, synths, guitars, and piano, takes you on a musical journey that encourages you to find peace amid all of the global turmoil we see.  The message of this song is so relevant, as we see the number of conflicts growing, like Israel-Palestine, Russia-Ukraine, and many more that don't even make the 6 o'clock news. Mohammed writes lyrics like, 'In the depths of

'Doxology' by Life In Groveland: A Classic With a New Vibe

Doxology is an instumental track found on the album 'The Hymnal' by Life In Grooveland.  This is a modern rendition using various instruments, including an electric guitar, of the well known hymn Doxolgy. Listening to this track actually gave me a bit of a chuckle as I was trying to picture the congregation of our church singing the traditional lyrics along with this track… as in the lyrics from 1674, together with this instrumental track. There is one church community that we occasionally visit that would have fun with such a challenge! 😂 You can try these lyrics as you listen… Prai se God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We asked the artist behind this rendition of the song to share what triggered him to release this. Here is the reply we received:  'It was my desire to take my love of classic hymns and reimagine them as exciting new musical works driven by dru

A Journey to Renewal with "ReFormation" by Stephanie Staples

Stephanie Staples has released her tenth studio record, and can be heard on her album 'ReFormation'. The album has three distinct sections.  The theme of the first section of the album is 'Invitation to Return' .  This section has two songs that invite all who have been struggling or left the faith to revisit their understanding of truth, rebuild their foundation, and simply come back home. 'Prodigal' addresses our struggles and need for God's love. This song urges us to put aside our pride and return to His grace. 'Reconstruct' adds an extra element. It is about coming back to embrace His love and letting Him heal the wounds of the past and lead us back to faith. The theme of the second section of the album is 'Call to Awaken' . This section has three songs that call Christians to wake up and remember their calling.  'Something More' is our spiritual wake-up call, an awakening, urging us to stop trying to find security and peace i

'Divine Assurance' (Album) by Karl Wise: Trusting God's timing and sufficiency

The album 'Divine Assurance' by Karl Wise (Faith|Crest) is all about placing unwavering trust in God's timing and sufficiency, afirming that all things are made beautiful in His time, and that Jesus is really more than enough for all of our needs. The album consists of 8 songs, reflecting a journey that Karl (and many others) go through. A journey that often starts with questioning the very essence of hope & life, trusting God's perfect timing, embracing whatever comes our way with Christ by our side, and seeing how everything finally falls into place because God provides everything that we need.  Karl shares how he faced lots of challenges in life, from lost opportunities, to broken relationships, and dreams that appeared to be just out of reach. He shares, 'With each setback, my spirit dimmed a little bit more, and I even started asking myself if I would ever find my way back to joy.' At that point, Karl's life felt pretty grim. He prayed, putting him

Shine Your Light with Runaverse's 'Keep On'

Runaverse's 'Keep On' is a beautiful song about faith as source of strength and perseverance when dealing with life's ups and downs. Runa (artist name: Runaverse) was walking at night through the countryside, under a starlit sky, searching for the right words to use in this song. That's when it all started to come together, like a whisper from the Holy Spirit, turning the melody and lyrics into her story of faith and perseverance. Runa faced her fears head-on, thinking about everything that was going on in her life, drawing strength from Matthew 5:14–16, which encourages us to be the light of the world. 'Keep On' is the track on her debut EP, as well as a personal declaration to shine, regardless of life's challenges. Runa admits she hadn't planned to talk about her faith through music, fearing it might offend some. But, in the midst of the hardship she was facing, her resolve strengthened, as she poured her heart into the lyrics as the dawn approach

Finding Courage Through Faith: The Story Behind 'Prayer' by Blessing Tangban

In this new release, “Prayer,” Blessing turns her struggles into a powerful declaration of faith. These lyrics are very personal and invite everyone to lean on God’s promises, and let Him turn their fears into victories. The lyrics of “Prayer” are literally a prayer to God, which she wrote down, and she hopes that it will restore faith in her listeners to continue to be bold and trust in God during times of low light. Blessing shares: “I was going through a time where I was struggling to believe that I would get a breakthrough in my life and music career. Things were so tough, rejections and setbacks everywhere I turned and this song just came to my spirit as a way of affirming my faith that I would get everything God has promised me and I would get a breakthrough no matter how negative things seemed to be looking on the outside. That’s why I called it prayer because it is quite literally a prayer I was making and it turned into a song. I had gotten many promises from people and life t

'Free' by Thoughts and Notions: Being Freed Through His Grace

'Free' by Thoughts And Notions is a feel good song that celebrates one’s freedom from all the problems and anxieties in life, thanks to unwavering faith and Jesus' love. It's a joyous call to embrace life, united in faith and be freed by His grace. Through His grace we may look forward to a bright day ahead, wrapped with Love and Faith. Why? Because you knew that you have lived a life in faith, and you’ve got Jesus Christ to thank for that! This is the final output of the band, before this chapter is closed. This is the last line up of Thoughts And Notions, and is seen by the band as their strongest, for which they deserve a final bow with the release of this song. “FREE” was actually recorded 15 years ago, but it didn’t make it to the band’s final cut for their sophomore album “Love, Faith, Hope, and Redemption”. It is now coming off the shelf after 15 years. Interesting timing... the first album 'Love, Faith, Hope, and Redemption'... and ending their journey