Scott DeClaire Jr has released a Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) track called 'It's a Miracle'. Scott shares: "This song was inspired by my wife's mental health journey and struggle with depression and self-harm. She found help and hope and we pray it brings hope to whoever listens." You might have mixed feelings about wanting someone else to help, or wanting to be left to try to control your life on your own. You might want to control when you hurt yourself but at the same time be scared in case your life is at risk. Whatever you’re facing, there are people who will listen without judgment or pressure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Contact a church near you, or reach out through the internet and chat with someone who is trained to help. Go to: Lyrics Read “It's a Miracle” by Scott Declaire Jr. on Genius You can listen to the track on Spot...