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The Top 100 Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) for Saturday, February 18th, 2023

We have 3 new tracks in this week's chart. The highest new entry this week is 'Holy Forever' by Bethel Music and Jenn Johnson at position number 53. The highest climber in the chart this week is 'Joy In The Morning' by Tauren Wells and Elevation Worship, moving up 18 positions to number 80. The Top 100 Music Chart is available as a playlist on: Spotify : Deezer : Youtube :   This week's chart... Rank - Title - Artist (Change) #1 'Gratitude' by Brandon Lake (+0) #2 'Way Maker - Live' by Leeland (+0) #3 'Goodness of God - Live' by Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson (+0) #4 'My God Is Still The Same' by Sanctus Real (+0) #5 'Make Room' by The Church Will Sing, Elyssa Smith, Community Music (+0) #6 'One Day' by Cochren & Co. (+0) #...

Taylor Hungerford - I'll See Your Goodness (CCM)

Taylor Hungerford's 'I'll See Your Goodness' is a powerful testimony of faith and perseverance through difficult times. The song is rooted in the personal experiences of the artist, who found hope and healing in the midst of hardship. The lyrics are a beautiful expression of trust and confidence in God's goodness, even when life is challenging. The verses acknowledge the struggles and pain that the artist has faced, but the chorus proclaims a declaration of faith that God's goodness can be seen in the here and now. The bridge is a powerful reminder that God's presence is with us in every moment, filling us with joy and praise. The story behind the song is equally inspiring. Taylor Hungerford wrote the song after a long season of suffering and discouragement in her family. She began to pray Psalm 27 over her family's story, and eventually started believing that God was actually good. Not long after, her father made the decision to follow Jesus after 30 ye...

Jenna Lee - Woman at the Well (CCM)

Jenna Lee’s ‘Woman at the Well’ is a soothing and poignant song that invites listeners into the story of the woman at the well from the Bible. The lyrics of the song beautifully captures the essence of the story and convey a message of hope and redemption. From the opening verse, Jenna shares her vulnerability with the listener as she sings about feeling broken and scared, just like the woman at the well. The lyrics continue to draw parallels to other well-known Bible stories, such as the man who climbed a tree and the prodigal son, highlighting that everyone can experience feelings of desperation and shame. However, despite these feelings, the song’s chorus repeatedly calls out to listeners to come to Jesus and lay down their burdens, finding shelter and love. Jenna’s vocals are soft and soulful, perfectly complementing the acoustic guitar and piano that form the backbone of the song’s melody. The repetition of the chorus in the outro reinforces the song’s central message that everyth...

Estella Kirk - Someone I'm Not (CCM)

'Someone I'm Not' by Estella Kirk is a powerful song that touches on the struggle of feeling like we're never enough. The lyrics describe the feeling of waking up in the morning and not feeling confident in our own skin, feeling like we're constantly falling short no matter what we do. The kind of struggle that one can face when comparing themselves to other people, e.g. on social media. The chorus of the song says 'But I'm tired of trying, tired of fighting to please someone, to be someone I'm not' . The message of the song is clear - we don't have to be someone we're not, we just have to be who we are and embrace our individuality. The bridge of the song brings the message to a new level as it emphasizes that our value and worth come from God, not from our achievements or how others perceive us. This is a message that many of us need to hear - that we are loved and valued just the way we are. 'Someone I'm Not' is a song that wil...

Jeff Adell - Love Is A Decision (CCM)

'Love Is A Decision' by Jeff Adell is a fresh take on the concept of love. Instead of viewing love solely as an emotion, the song reminds us that God places love in a more meaningful perspective. Love is also a choice that requires commitment, selflessness, forgiveness, and courage. The lyrics emphasize the challenges that can come with being in a relationship, as well as the importance of making the decision to choose love, even when it is hard (see: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5). The music is also one-of-a-kind, with interesting rhythms, guitar sounds, and harmonies that make for a refreshing and enjoyable listening experience. Despite its uniqueness, the song remains familiar and relatable. In a world where love is frequently depicted as “just” a feeling, 'Love Is A Decision' acts as a timely reminder of what it truly means to love someone. Whether we're in a relationship or not, we can all benefit from this message. So, if you're looking for a thought-provoking and ...

Bek Santis - Lions' Den (CCM)

'Lions' Den' is a powerful Christian Indie rock song by Bek Santis that features a unique blend of drive and vintage tones, with a storyteller vibe that draws comparisons to the Biblical story of Daniel and the lions' den. The lyrics explore the journey of someone who is struggling with different types of inner demons, such as depression, pain, addiction, and shame, and who is looking for a way to escape. Throughout the song, the protagonist runs from the wild lions that represent his personal demons and tries to suppress them with drugs, but he realizes that he can only find true peace and freedom by putting his faith in God. Just like Daniel, who was saved from the lions' den, the protagonist believes that God will come to his rescue and protect him from the power of his personal demons. The song encourages listeners to believe that no matter how difficult their situation may be, God is able to save them from the power of their inner demons. The message of hope an...

Cormac Thompson - True Colours (CCM)

'True Colours' by Cormac Thompson is a breathtaking cover of Cyndi Lauper's 80s classic that is guaranteed to leave you in awe. At just 13 years old, Cormac has been a seasoned singer since he was a young boy. His debut album, Hear My Voice, which was released by Decca Records, was met with much praise when he was just 11 years old. Since then, Cormac's treble voice has earned him numerous accolades, including a solo performance at the Royal Albert Hall, a place in the final of Young Chorister of the Year, and an appearance on Britain's Got Talent. This recording of 'True Colours' showcases Cormac's musical abilities as he accompanies himself on the piano (keyboard for the actual recording). He has kept the arrangement simple, with just a few pads to bind everything together, and added a unique blend of his younger treble voice with his lower voice on the last note, 'Rainbow'. This innovative approach was inspired by Cormac's voice changing b...