JML Worship's 'Crimson Love,' is a reminder that Jesus' love redeems us, and it doesn't matter what we have done in the past. True faith isn't about avoiding challenges. We need challenges to purify our heart, help us to grow stronger, and keep our focus on Jesus. As I listen, I am reminded of the inner peace I feel because I know that Jesus' love is always there, ready for me when I am willing to open the door of my heart to let it in. No matter how dark or depressed life may seem, especially when I don't see a way out, Jesus' blood has already paid the final cost for my (and your) salvation. He is there to light up my path forward. Seeking refuge in Christ is so attractive: 'Where do I go when I have sinned and darkness falls? You are my hope, save me when all seems lost…' The chorus, 'Crimson love, rising up from the ashes, your love is blossoming red,' speaks of the rebirth and renewal we receive through His love. What an excel...