Hannah Schaefer's song "Hiding Place" is a song that gently reminds us that no matter how distant God may seem or how long and weary the journey with Him feels, there is always a refuge in the Lord—a sacred hiding place where our hearts can rest and find peace. Hannah sings about a long and tiring journey alongside God, where feet are "beat black and blue." She beautifully expresses the peace that we may all find in His unwavering love. Hannah sings of God's open arms, a safe place that He has prepared, and the grace that continually amazes her. The chorus, "I can always find my hiding place in You," emphasizes the steadfastness of God's protection, comparing it to a mountain that can't be moved. The beauty of this message is that His arms are also open for each of us. The only thing stopping us from finding that comfort in God is us, our pride, our misplaced idea that we don't need Him. He is there, waiting for you to accept His invi...